
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Surtex 2012

This year's Surtex was a little quieter than last year, but it was still very busy for us. The nice thing is we always seem to meet new clients each year, which is the reason we try to make the booth as exciting as possible. Sunday is turning out to be the busiest day in recent years, which is surprising as New York was in the middle of a heat wave when the show started ! Blue skies, bright sunshine and a multitude of weekend street markets would normally be a good reason not to be at a Trade Show, but visitors turned up in numbers from early on Sunday morning. There did seem to be more exhibitors this year, which is a good sign in the current economic climate, and walking round the hall the booths were looking bright and exciting.  
By Monday the weather had changed dramatically to grey skies and rain, and the Javitz decided to let it rain on a few of the Exhibitors as well ! Due to a few leaks in the roof of the centre, water was descending into the hall, and it was pot luck if you were underneath it or not ! We were lucky, but just two rows over a couple of the booths had to get covered in large sheets to protect the artwork while workmen fixed the leaks.
Surtex is a show we look forward to every year, it does take a lot of planning and work putting the displays together, but for us that is all part of the creative process as well.

Oh no, it's raining ! 

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